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This extract is from the book "Snapshots from Memory: The Autobiography of a Greenock Academy Schoolboy", by Jo Johnson Copyright © 2023 Jo Johnson

In this podcast, I intend to post selected audio extracts from my Autobiography - plus bonus audio updates on other subjects as the Spirit leads!

To kick off, I begin with some chapters from my autobiography, to whet your appetite! I'll add to this each week, and over time, build this podcast. Subscribe to be kept in the loop for the next episode. Thanks for listening/reading!


“even when I am old and grayheaded, O God, forsake me not; until I have declared your strength unto the next generation, your might to every one that is to come.” (Psalm 71:18)

The chapter headings in this book are the pegs on which I’ve hung this collection of personal memories. Inevitably, there is some overlap and, like my cover photograph, which a curious child once experimented on to find out if Dad’s paper punch actually worked, it’s an uneven picture and there are a few holes in it. For example, my descriptions of the important people in my life can only ever be like a series of snapshots or sketches for a painting. What’s left out is often just as important as what’s left in. The sum of their lives, character, personalities and achievements is beyond mere words. Memory is notoriously subjective. As Queen Elizabeth said recently, “Recollections may vary.” But perhaps my scattered musings will give readers some insights into the people and events that shaped the course of my life and contributed to the formation of the convictions and beliefs I hold.

However, it’s easy to view the past through rose-tinted spectacles. I know my parents gave me the best start in life. Even so, ‘not everything in the garden was rosy’. I have presented the facts about certain incidents with minimal analysis or comment, and I’m reminded of Ecclesiastes 7:10 “Do not say, “Why were the former days better than these?” For you do not inquire wisely concerning this.” With that proviso, I have two primary intentions in writing this book. First, to reflect on my life’s experiences and learn from them myself, or give readers food for thought when they encounter similar situations. Second, to leave a written legacy for my children and grandchildren. My opinions are just that. Others are at liberty to form their own.

This book comes with a ‘don’t try this at home’ warning. Some things we got up to as children went beyond normal childish pranks. We deserved—and got—severe punishment when we were found out. I debated with myself whether to put these in or leave them out. I left them in because they show that even at a young age, the propensity for sin is latent in the human heart and only needs circumstance and opportunity to be given action. To me, God’s grace is even more wonderful when I think of His mercy and love for a sinner like me.

The ‘Notes’ section at the end of this book explains some ‘common parlance’ words used by brethren and sisters1 in the Churches of God. I’ve also used the notes section to amplify a miscellany of other details.

1 Brethren/brothers and sisters: following the custom of the Apostles in the New Testament scriptures, baptised believers in Churches of God refer to each other as brothers and sisters ‘in Christ’ or ‘the Lord’. As saved persons, we are ‘children of God’, we belong to God’s family. 

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